Monday, August 4, 2008

And so it begins....

Well, I've come to a sad realization... Once you get married, people dont want to be your friend anymore. I had a friend of mine from college tell me today that he thinks we shouldn't talk ever again and just end our friendship because I'm married now. Granted, I'm sure it will be all for the best and that in the long run, I'll thank him for his actions but it still sad to me. Whoever made the rule that once you get married, you can only be friends with married people???? Or that all of a sudden you become a leper, not fit to talk to because you have a ring on your finger!? It was just a sad realization and reality check for me today that I'm sure I'll get over. It doesn't mean its easy. I'm guessing I'm just going to have to go find new friends... married ones..:)


Nate and Ash said...

SWWEEEET BLOG!! IT's true, single friends just think you are weird for some reason. Married people are cool though..just have to find the right ones!! ;) Your pictures turned out really good! When r u getting your video?? I want to see that!!--ash

the lindster! said...

HEY!! it's good to have another person's blog to check!!! welcome to married life. i had a couple of people do that to me...they didn't verbalize it..but just kinda just talked to you....instead of wanting to hang out and do something. it's definately different for some transition..yah know? sorry to hear that though