Thursday, December 11, 2008

Field Trips.... Should be fun but really, they aren't...

So today my fellow teachers and I took our team to see the exhibit called Body Worlds downtown... It was a really cool exhibit and all the kids had a fun time looking at the different muscles and people/animals. I thought it was an awesome experience!

Until.... We all got in the buses to go home and not two minutes later we are stopped at a stop light. Well, my kids had just gotten done going through an exhibit where they got to see a lung from someone who was a smoker; a big, black lung. (This will all make sense in a minute) As we are stopped at this stop light, the bus is next to the library and there are two men that my kids seem to be fasinated with.. One, a man who was playing guitar and the other is a gangster looking fellow who is smoking a cigarette. Oh, the kids on my bus decided that they would tell the man with the cigarette, through the bus window (that wasn't open by the way) that he "sucked" for smoking among other wonderful names like mother F** know the rest and one of the girls says she has a gun... Hello!?! Are you stupid!?! Well, the man doesn't hear anything and only see's a busload of 8th graders talking to him and looking like they are challenging him. The man doesnt like what he sees.. The man crosses two lanes of traffic and walks up to the side of the bus. Chaperones, other students and myself think that the man has a gun and is honestly going to shoot us all or do something! I was literally scared to death but was the only one to speak up when things got to this point.

Luckily, the light turned green and we left two seconds after this happened but I was LIVID!!! Mad that first of all, I was the only one who had done or said anything up to that point and that all day during the field trip, I felt as if I was the only one who was really trying to keep kids in line. I gave everyone on that bus a mouthfull and had the girls who were the ones talkin smack sit by me. I asked them how they would feel had everyone or anyone for that matter been shot or killed because of their actions just then? Of course, they see that they did something really imature and dumb but whats done is done and consequences must follow...

Oh... I don't think I'll volenteer to go on another field trip again... Today was a very bad day. I honestly wanted to just cry when I got back to school. I didnt but those girls are in so much trouble. Its sad to me that they are that (to put it bluntly) stupid.... Ahh!! Tomorrow better be a freakin awesome day to make up for today! I had to get this off my chest...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Body For Life... I will do it!

So.. throughout the last couple of years I have gone off and on a program called Body For Life... I've taken pictures of me with little clothing, eating the 6 small meals and done the workouts. I saw results, great ones! But sadly I have always failed to finish the 12 weeks. I think the farthest I've ever gotten on the challenge is 6 or 7 weeks....

Since getting married, I really havent seen a change in my body at all (meaning the gaining of weight that is usually associated to marriage).. I actually went to a party with some old co-workers and they told me I'd looked thinner which is always good to hear... But, I want to do it, I want to finally see what would happen to me if I followed the plan to a T, not missing a day, and making it to the end. I want to also see if I can win!! That would be so cool!

With all that said, I vow on this blog that I will complete my 12 week challenge!! I will go as far as to post pictures of me and my progress to hold myself accountable. Now, hopefully only those I love and care for dearly will be able to see the pictures but if not, oh well.. I'm going to look great in the next 3 months so the old pictures wont even matter.

I hope this doesn't seem crazy or like I'm a fanatic. I'm just a goal setter and like to see myself change for the better! Thanks for any and all the support you give!

Below are my stats to start out the challenge with:

Start date: August 25th
Height: 5' 6"
Upper Thigh:23"
Upper Arm:12"


1. I want to lose 15-20 Pounds of fat and gain muscle tone in its place.
2. I want to fit into my size 4 jeans I've bought but never worn!
3. I want to have more energy and drive to accomplish anything that comes my way.
4. I want to have more confidence and feel better about myself because I've accomplished something that is a huge personal challenge. I want to overcome my mental stumbling blocks.
5. I want to be below 18% body fat!

Because I've started and stopped to many times. It's time to finish.
2. Because I have faith this challenge will add value to my life in other areas.
3. Because I can do this! I can prove to myself how strong not only my body is but my mind! I can prove to myself how dedicated and determined I really am deep down.

I'll include a picture soon enough.. but thats all for now! Here we go!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ahh.. back to the grind

Since BJ and I have gotten married, we've had a lot of time to hang out and do whatever we want. This week and next though, that will all change! I started my new job today with a "New Beginnings" (your having flashbacks of Young Womens right now huh? :) ) programs put on by Granite School District (the one I will now work for.) All I can say is that I hate to go to meeting and feel like I'm in college again filled with work and "fun activities" that honestly, arent all that fun. Some of the things I learned today were very informative and educational but when people try to give you information and expect you to do the work to learn it, thats where I tune out.. like today for a while...

Anyways, I went off on a tangent there. I will be teaching all 8th graders this year which will be SOO nice not to have to prepare 2 different History lessons a day. I am excited to get started on this years curriculum b/c I get to teach the Revolutionary and Civil Wars!! Yay!! Ok, so I'm a dork but boy are we going to have fun.

Today I came to be thankful for not working in the school I worked at before. Its funny how Heavenly Father works sometimes in that He makes you suffer something as bad as losing your job to see that thats not really where you needed to be. Its days like today that I am thankful for trials.

Well this Friday BJ and I will have been married for a woopin' month! I don't know what we have planned just yet but I'm sure it will be a grand ole' time! I'll update more on that later. Till then.. Here are some pictures from our Honeymoon... It was a very fun time as you can see :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

And so it begins....

Well, I've come to a sad realization... Once you get married, people dont want to be your friend anymore. I had a friend of mine from college tell me today that he thinks we shouldn't talk ever again and just end our friendship because I'm married now. Granted, I'm sure it will be all for the best and that in the long run, I'll thank him for his actions but it still sad to me. Whoever made the rule that once you get married, you can only be friends with married people???? Or that all of a sudden you become a leper, not fit to talk to because you have a ring on your finger!? It was just a sad realization and reality check for me today that I'm sure I'll get over. It doesn't mean its easy. I'm guessing I'm just going to have to go find new friends... married ones..:)