Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A little update...

This month has just seemed to fly by with everything thats gone on with BJ and I. I am officially 32 week and 5 days along and life just seems to be getting more and more uncomfortable. I swear I haven't had a good nights sleep in over a week due to my mind just racing about all that there is left to do before the baby comes. Plus, I have just weird and probably to come peoples classification, "psychotic" dreams that drive me insane at night!! I swear lately I'll have those dreams that I have partial control over the outcome and in the attempt to make the dream good, I end up making myself crazy at night to where I'll wake up repeatedly only to go back to the same dream over again. SO annoying... Can anyone relate?

Then, there's those nights where my brain just doesn't shut off no matter what I try... I've been told its just a 'first time mommy' thing where I try to plan everything down to what I'll do if I go into labor early, step by step, and that when I have other children, I won't have quite the same problems with worrying. I don't know and I guess won't find out till I have another child but one thing is for sure that this whole no sleep thing is no fun at all... Oh yeah, and I have a sweet head cold. :)

Other than the fact that I've been a whiner the past couple of weeks, BJ's been working on our basement. Over the past month we've gone from a framed couple of rooms to a sheet rocked, mudded, and base boarded basement which make us both very excited. Every time I go downstairs it seems like something has gotten done or has changed. BJ and crew have done a fantastic job. It's moments like this where I'm so happy to be married to a man who is so driven to achieve. I myself can take none of the credit for its progress other than I am the one who cleans up all the dust that comes up and makes a mess of the other rooms in our house. I don't think I've ever dusted this much in my life. All for a good cause though right?

After the sheet rock... (Sorry these pics are out of order)

Before the sheet rock...

Other than that, BJ and I are both counting the days till we are done with school and work... I believe we have a total of 30 working days till I am finished with this school year and BJ will be done with his masters classes till the fall. The end of the year is always difficult for me at school with wild children but this years 9th grade bunch seems to be my own personal hell. I don't think I've ever loathed teaching a class as much as I loathe teaching them. Not only is it difficult to teach them in general but teaching with a teacher at the same time who has no discipline skills whatsoever makes some days downright ridiculous.. Its bad enough that I have to get onto my class about misbehavior and such but when I have to be Hitler for his class to, it emotionally drains me and in all honesty, it's unfair that I have to always be the bad guy. I'm sure that I am the hated gym teacher for many and I'm ok with that..I'm sure one kid likes me in that class...maybe. I guess if it means that those kids know I'm not a push over, than its worth something right? Regardless, I chant everyday in my mind 30 more days, 30 more days.....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fashion Intervention

BJ received a gift card to Foot Locker for Christmas last year to go buy new basketball shoes. Upon arriving home from the mall, I see he's bought some nice black tennis shoes and I immediately became very impressed with his selection of shoe style. Lets be honest, BJ has rarely ever needed help from me in the dressing himself department and so why would shoes be any different??

Last Wednesday, it came to my attention that we needed to have an intervention when it came to his sock/shoe style. Now I know men care a bit less compared to women when it comes down to their gym attire but this was more than I could bare... Just take a look...

Oh how I love him... I just thought it was to funny. He was kind enough to pose for the camera so that we could document for future reference why white socks and black shoes do not go together... I actually think he could careless how his socks and shoes match but needless to say, I will be buying black, no show or short socks in the very near future... :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

I dont know why you cant see it but David Archquete is on the list also.. 3 girls though? I never knew BJ had such feminine features :)

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Family search - Free family tree

My Celebrity Look-alikes

I thought this was fun.. I found it quite interesting that I look like all these beautiful women and then theres Bam Margera...

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Dynasty - Family history

Monday, February 22, 2010

Slacker, thats me :)

I think its official that I am a horrible blogger. Its been almost a year since I've written anything and I'm sure the 3 people that might have checked in on our blog have all given up on me.. But alas, I know I must repent of my slack blogging ways and write something. So much has happened I don't know where to begin... I'll start somewhere...

I guess the most life changing thing that has happened in the past year is that BJ and I are pregnant. Well, really I'm the one thats pregnant. It's been an interesting roller coaster to say the least. In the beginning I went through all the lovely little (and sometimes large) symptoms that most doctors (and those who have been pregnant) tell you will happen; all things ranging from feeling constant nausea and fatigue to forgetting how to back a car out of the driveway with the garage door being up rather than down. In case you didn't already know, you should probably make sure the garage door is up before you back your car out. I learned the hard way and felt like an idiot. Ask BJ how he reacted to that one since he had a front row seat.

We've had quite a few doctors appointments and have had about 3 sonograms thus far. We've decided to be strong and surprised and not find out the sex of the baby. It's funny to see peoples reactions when we tell them that we're not finding out because it really goes one of two ways. We either get the wide eyed, head shaking in disapproval, "Wow, your crazy!" reaction or the thumbs up, high fivin', "Good for you. Your doing it the right way!" response. I really could care less what people think because its our decision and I think it will only add to the wonderful day of surprises that is to be had. :) Secretly we're hoping for a girl and I think there's a good chance it is but I've been wrong in my life before so who knows. We will love the baby and be so happy regardless, boy or girl.

If there was one thing I could and will complain about until the end of my pregnancy it will be the weight gain.. Many have tried to 'comfort me' and convince me that the more weight gain, the better but I"m just not buying it and can't wrap my head around it. If you don't know much about me you would probably see what I just wrote and be like, "oh Jenn's just one of those silly, vain girls who worries so much about her looks/weight and if she gains a pound she freaks out." Partially you would be right. I do freak out if I gain 3-5 pounds when I check the scale but not for a reasons that you might associate.

After I was about the age of 9 or 10 I was always chubby. From chubby I progressed to overweight to obese to finally morbidly obese. When I was a freshmen in high school (9th grade) I had reached over 200 pounds and was maybe 5'5"-6". From there I just grew and by the time I started college I weighed well over 240 pounds. In college though I happened to lose more than 100 pounds over about 2 years through changing my life completely with diet and exercise (I could write a whole book on the subject and my experience but I'll save you the time in reading b/c this already getting to be long). From that point on I vowed to never regain the weight and until I got pregnant, I can proudly say that I have kept off the weight for over 5 years. Ironically though I've been paranoid of gaining it ever since I first reached my goal. I can honestly remember having nightmares where I would wake up in the middle of the night in a panic because I had dreamt the scale read 160 pounds.. I know.. a little psycho... But in my defense when you've worked so hard for something, its tough to see it all "go away" in a sense without really trying to sabotage yourself, even if it is just a dream. Now, not that pregnancy is sabotage but its just mentally so difficult for me to view weight gain in the way I maybe should. I'm now almost 25 weeks along and I've gained about 25 pounds... not horrible I know, but for me, I wanted to gain 25-35 pounds total when I went in to have the bady. If the 3rd trimester is anything like what I think its going to be like with a 1-2 pounds a week gain, I'm screwed with that goal.

With that said, and I know it sounds as if I'm just a whiner and complainer and being pregnant is the worst thing thats ever happened to me. Not to worry and so not the case. I'm so happy and I am reminded everyday how happy and excited I am be to be a mother. I feel as if I have moments when I am blessed to have a glimpse into what it will be like to be a mother and the strongest emotion is not disappointment in that I didn't reach my weight goal (or any other goal for that matter) but that I am so happy and proud to be a mother. I truly am thankful to know that my Heavenly Father loves and trusts me and BJ enough to take care of one of His children. It is an honor and blessing I don't take lightly. But, I still hate gaining weight and not fitting into my clothes..:) Oh well though.. only 4 more months right?

Anyway, I can see I've written enough for today. There will be more updating to come in the future.. the near future that is... not a year from now :)