Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Children on the news, more often than not, make me cry..

Before I had Carter, I watched the news pretty often. We all know there is heartbreaking, tragic stories told every night, if not every minute of our lives somewhere. Nothing though prepared me for moments like today and this past month when I've heard of little toddlers being found in rivers, canals or accidents where shortly thereafter hope is gone and the children end up dying. Becoming a mother has completely changed my life and perspective in many ways. When they involve case's such as this, my heart breaks and I literally find myself in tears. When I hear of these children, I just think that someday that could be my child and the pain that such an accident would cause me to have I know would leave me devastated. I can't get through a movie without crying if a little boy is hurt or killed. Anyone else as dramatic or sensitive and I am or am I just crazy?

If I'm being completely honest, I get angry that such a small, innocent child has to die while there are horrible people living on this earth who deserve not to (sorry if that sounds judgmental but its how I feel). It all just doesn't seem fair. I believe that our Heavenly Father is in control and that there is a perfectly good reason why these things happen. I just have to exercise a little more faith when I hear stories like this. Anyway, I just needed to vent. Sorry this post is kind of depressing...I pray nothing like this ever happens to me or any of you.

1 comment:

Marisa Jean said...

I understand what you're saying...completely. I'll never totally get why evil people get to live on the earth while good people suffer.

And I also get the crying thing. Stories used to be sad, but I didn't understand the tragedy of the event until I had my own child. The love you have for your kids is unlike any other you'll experience. So no, you're not along. I cry all the time at stories like that, too.